Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just a light bike ride...

Those where the words I uttered to my partner before going into the gym for an hour and five, "just a light constant rate cycle".....

Well I sat at an average speed of 27.51 kph (17.10 mph) for about 50 minutes, then something changed.

I used the power of imagination to push myself on harder and faster, I envisioned being in a race.

The first place rider just ahead of me, while I was second.

It spurred me on, I pushed harder, cycled faster, controlled my breathing, They stayed in front.

I pictured the crowd lining the streets, cheering the two dueling riders on towards the finish line, I pushed harder, faster, I had to win.

I imagined drawing level, then just getting in front, must keep pushing, almost there, I can see the finish line, PUSH HARDER, I MUST WIN.

Glance down at the distance traveled it's about to clock over to 32km my target distance.... PUSH HARD MUST WIN.....

Hear the sound of cheering loudly and know that I'm only just in front, push hard and .... cross the line.

Imagination can be a very powerful thing when you're hunting for motivation, picturing yourself in a race like above can make all the difference to a lazy ride or whether you go out and smash yourself senseless.

After I finished the ride and a short cooldown, I came out did 25 crunches and ended my workout.

Feel absolutely wrecked now and have sore glutes from the bike (hard seat sucks), but damn it was good, hopefully it made up for my average eating over the weekend.

Tomorrow am going for the triple session Monday and am going to stick to it this time around.
No holds barred.

Motivated even more now.

Side note: as you lose weight, some things are noticeable changes such as definition in the face, clothes becoming loose - other things are subjective such as feeling the cold more.

I never noticed the cold the last few years, it could be -1 and I would still be warm enough to wear shorts and t-shirt, now I'm losing weight and I want to rug up and keep warm.

Awesome feeling :)

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