Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ice Ice Baby

Last night was an intense double training session.
The first round, bag work, sparring, starjumps and endless situps.
The situp technique aggravated my apparently still healing ribs, so I had to go to normal ones.
 Felt like I was going to die.

Second session was more drills, sparring, leg kicks then onto more endless situps, starjumps, shuffling and straight punches.

Nearing the end of the second session the movement in sparring was killing me (ribs) so I had to sit out for that portion. I pushed through the rest though, I think all told it was probably around 200 - 300 situps last night - if not more :\

Had to ice the ribs before I left the gym though, so 10 - 15 minutes of icing there then again after my shower at home.

Today they are sore, but not unbearable, more ice tonight when I get home from work.
Am going to push and ice as much as I need to.

I have at least a week off from Saturday - so I don't want to miss out this week.

All that said - I think I am going to need to rely on icing to keep me as injury free as possible in the next few months.

I really want to put in & work hard, so I can develop the skills and abilities that I need to step into the ring.

Thinking of hiring one of the trainers as a PT for a bit to help with my boxing / movement so I can really nail it, but that's going to be a little way off regardless.


One final note: No fighter is ever 100%, you are always carrying a bump, scrape, bruise or some area that is painful, it's how you deal with that and move forward that counts.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The effects of the bad food weekend

Well it's Monday, back at work, back to training, back to eating my normal food.
Unfortunately over the weekend I indulged in a bit of a binge.

Crackers, cheese, pate, chocolate, alcohol, pies and other high carb foods.
I don't have a problem with a cheat day here and there, but the simply truth is - I binged and ate to much crappy food.

My body responded by stacking on the kg's over the weekend.
Friday morning when I stepped on the scales I was 76kg, this morning I was 79kg.

That's a fairly significant change considering how hard I worked on Saturday at the snake pit.
So basically my body responded to that intake of shitty foods, by pushing the weight back onto me.

Fail for my immediate goals.
Time to work hard again and see if I can smash it back as quickly as possible.

The unfortunate thing with this is that it takes so long to get weight off, but no time at all to put it back on.

Granted I binged over all three days - but still.

No wonder people get discouraged with weight loss, it's not an easy road to run.
Side note: I get tattooed on Saturday - the start of a full sleeve, that means no training for a week possibly two (while it heals up), have to try hard to stay on track with the eating and other exercise since I am only just back from injury.

Funny how life works really.

Oh one more thing: my black eye from Wednesday night, it's still there. Nice and yellow with some black / red highlights still ;)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Snake pit

Today a group of us went out to the snakepit as the gym was closed for people competing.
The snakepit is hell.

It's a course comprised of sand dunes of varying elevation.
Takes 9 minutes to walk it, around 4 minutes to run it - unless your a freak.

One section is possibly a 45 degree incline - maybe even a little steeper, it's intense.
We did a few laps then broke the course into sections and did interval based work.

To finish we did a series of hill sprints - fun times.

915 calories in an hour... and I have to say I'm still feeling it now.

Good time indeed - might try and incorporate it into a fortnightly thing.

Ninja update: The snake pit.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thump bang crunch.

Last night was the first session back at fight training for a little while.
I went in with the attitude that I would give my all and do what I could.

It was a great session of drills + sparring, apparently at 20% power.
My fat lip, grazed nose, bruised knee and black eye don't really think it was at the 20% mark.

Either way it was a great session and while looking a little banged up I don't feel to bad.
I had a moment though when getting pasted in the sparring that my mind shutdown, I went to instinct and my instinct failed me.

Not a good feeling to be getting pummelled and have no idea what you should be doing.
*something to work on I guess*

Just have to identify how to prevent that from happening again, I don't mind my brain shutting off in sparring and relying on instinct, but that instinct needs to be able to withstand the pressure and keep me from getting pasted all over the place.

Maybe more agression I don't know.
The coaches did say that I fight 'to nice' right now and that I need to fire up.

They have said that to me before as well.
Perhaps I need to work on my aggression :|

Who knows, I'll just keep on going and putting in until I get it right.

Picture below is my eye - photo doesn't really do it justice - it's black swollen and sore - but you get that will probably look worse again tomorrow as I normally take a bit to bruise up :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First night back to fight team

Tonight was my first night back at fight training.
I loved it - really missed the place and the people.

I have some slight pain in the ribs, but it will pass.
Time to get stuck in and push hard again.

Love it :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Feels good....

So for the past three days I've been working hard - well in comparison to the last three weeks, I've been working hard.

Running, Cycling, Situps, Pushups, Shadow boxing and later today a kettlebell workout.
I have missed it and while my body is a little sore, it feels good to be getting back into things.

Tomorrow I'm going to try for a Thai class and then wednesday back to fight training, assuming nothing comes up in between.

I know over the next few months I will miss training here and there just with things happening, tattoo, work, holiday but at the end of the day - the timeline for competition is only my own.

The coaches haven't said or set any timeframe for me to compete - only I have and it all comes down to how hard I work.

Feels good to be back at it though.
70kg / 10% or lower body fat here I come.

Don't expect me not to come charging at you like my life depends on it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ramping back up

Today was the first real workout I've done since my injury, felt good but can definitely feel that my cardio has slipped a bit.

Annoying - but it will come back.
Today I did a 4.9km run with a time limit of 27 minutes every minute over that was +10 pushups, +10 situps and +10seconds of plank.

I had planned to do 30 of each when I finished the run but ended up doing 60 :S

Ah well improve the run next time.
Feels good to be training again.

Tomorrow bike ride, monday weights (since it's a public holiday and my gym is probably closed) then back to running on tuesday and fight training wednesday.

Goal still firmly in sight.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The long wait

It's now in the third week of time away from training, the ribs are still injured and driving me nuts.

I'm icing, using cumfree cream and taking pain killers - doesn't seem to be helping much.

I really want to get back to it but I don't want to risk the recovery that I've made so far.

Frustration is really quite high, particularly since I don't know what caused the injury and more importantly I don't know what aggravates it.

Things that I expect to don't always and things that I don't expect to be a problem leave me in pain.

Just want the pain gone so I can get to normal training again.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stat update day

Today is stat update day so tonight I'll be running through them all.

I'm a little anxious about the run, because I know without a shadow of doubt that it's going to aggravate my ribs.

Last nights session on the cross trainer did and today I'm sore, breathing hurts again.

Am actually expecting that the majority of tests will be worse than last time, all bar weight that should see an improvement since today is a fasted day.

I'm mostly interested in body fat though since I've had an average, at best, week of food and nearing two weeks away from fight training.

Expecting that to be a fail as well.

Nothing I can really do though there isn't much point being at training when the movement alone causes me pain - couple that with sparring and I'll be looking to get knocked out to stop the pain.

Will update the stats page tonight after work and my run attempt.

[Ninja Edit]
So I've done all my stats and they go like this:
4.85km = 26:25 a new pb.
Pushups in 60 seconds: 66 (not bad with a dodgy rib)
Situps in 60 seconds: 42 (bashed my head and stopped for about 10 seconds - fail)
Weight: 77kg
Waist: 90.5cm
Body fat: 16.5%

So positive on all fronts - shows what I know hey.