Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ice Ice Baby

Last night was an intense double training session.
The first round, bag work, sparring, starjumps and endless situps.
The situp technique aggravated my apparently still healing ribs, so I had to go to normal ones.
 Felt like I was going to die.

Second session was more drills, sparring, leg kicks then onto more endless situps, starjumps, shuffling and straight punches.

Nearing the end of the second session the movement in sparring was killing me (ribs) so I had to sit out for that portion. I pushed through the rest though, I think all told it was probably around 200 - 300 situps last night - if not more :\

Had to ice the ribs before I left the gym though, so 10 - 15 minutes of icing there then again after my shower at home.

Today they are sore, but not unbearable, more ice tonight when I get home from work.
Am going to push and ice as much as I need to.

I have at least a week off from Saturday - so I don't want to miss out this week.

All that said - I think I am going to need to rely on icing to keep me as injury free as possible in the next few months.

I really want to put in & work hard, so I can develop the skills and abilities that I need to step into the ring.

Thinking of hiring one of the trainers as a PT for a bit to help with my boxing / movement so I can really nail it, but that's going to be a little way off regardless.


One final note: No fighter is ever 100%, you are always carrying a bump, scrape, bruise or some area that is painful, it's how you deal with that and move forward that counts.

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