Had an interesting day today, technically three workouts and a reasonable day nutrition wise.
The breakdown for today was:
2018 Calories
Fat: 99.3g / 42%
Carbs: 179.7g / 34%
Protein: 129.9g / 24%
Not fantastic but reasonable, the majority of fat came from dinner (3 x chicken drumsticks)
Workout wise it was AM HIIT on the exercise bike followed by crunches and pilates toe taps with an oblique crunch... quite a good exercise.
Afternoon workout consisted of a 3.77km
run / walk due to the cold then a 4 x 4 Tabata set to finish.
Enjoyed all of that.
I'm not to sure how I will go with the weigh in and photos tomorrow, not sure if I've done enough this week - but we'll see I guess.
Had a bit of an interesting moment reading a thread on bb.com, the participants talked about intermittent fasting as a method for cutting / fat loss with no real explanation.
After reading up on it today I still stand by my original comment that a calorie deficit and staggered smaller meals / snacks is a better way to go, particularly because the studies on intermittent fasting have no conclusive outcomes and from most articles, the thermogenic affects after a workout are less than those in a fed person.
Anyway I wanted to jump in and reply, lay the smack down so to speak, but figured it wouldn't be conducive to anything as I would only get flamed, so I educated myself and will leave it at that.
On another note found a few courses today for nutrition studies and am looking into it a bit further, one day I plan to be able to run PT sessions and provided full nutrition and diet services, but small steps, start with the area that interests me the most and that's the nutrition side of things.
The courses are run by Cadence health and info can be found
here for those in Australia.
Hmmm I think that's all for today, look forward to the 5am start and workout again tomorrow.
Might have to look into getting some sort of light / fluro running gear so I can change it up instead of doing 15 - 20 minute tabata / hiit sessions and go for an AM run.