The contest goes from 01/07/2010 - 01/09/2010.
There are no prizes but I thought it would be interesting to see how far I can go in 2 months.
Since the weigh in for these is outside of my current weigh in schedule / picture day, my current stats are: 88.7kg, 23.6% bodyfat (scale) 21.7% bodyfat (Caliper).
I'm uploading my pictures now - but am a little nervous about it as it shows what I usually hide, my stomach.
I guess the real point is that I am working my ass off to change it and hit my goals, so nothing to be bothered by with the current status.
So without further procrastination - pics below.
First pics are relaxed / Second pics are flexed - ignore the camera angle that makes me look like a monkey.

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