Was a good run in strong winds and rain, which I actually think helped me push a little harder - because I wanted to get home as quickly as I could.
4.7km in 33 minutes otherwise known as 8.52 minutes per KM not a fantastic pace by any stretch of the imagination, but getting there.
Ideally I would like to get to 7.30 per KM which would let me do the 12km in 1.5 hours, but I think that might be a touch ambitious.
Either way if I can get a finish under 2 hours I will be happy.
Anyway I'm wandering off into dream land atm, back on topic - today's run felt good, measured pace and ran longer than I normally do before walking, only walked three times, once approx 200m, the second approx 150m and the third about 50m so all up ran approx 4.3km of the 4.7km circuit.
Heart rate average was 145bpm and maximum was 182 - not sure how long that was sustained for - my hrm doesn't give me that much information :S
Either way outputs below for reference.
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