Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dear fitness, where have you gone?

Firstly, Happy new year, I hope that 2012 brings you everything you desire and more.
Now that, that is out of the way on to the important stuff, 2011 finished for me in a very lethargic way.

Three weeks of no exercise, excess food, drink and time spent in front of the computer.
Not the best way to finish off a year that you have been working hard to get to a goal.

Over the Christmas period I put on 4kg bouncing up to 82kg from 78kg again not a great way to finish the year.

I also feel like my fitness level has gone away and is still binge eating....
I went for a run today (4.85km according to gps) - my usual circuit - and instead of taking around 25 minutes it took 40 - I could barely run, I spent most of the time walking, granted it's hot outside but that's really no excuse.

I think it's time to reassess where I am at, take regular measures and get back on track.
I will be doing a once a month 'stats update' post that will include:

  • Weight (kg)
  • 4.85km run time
  • Heart rate average
  • Heart rate max
  • Pushups in 1 minute
  • Situps in 1 minute
  • Heart rate monitor calculated Vo2 max
  • Body fat percentage (Digital caliper)
  • Waist size (cm)
The reason for this is for me to gauge how my fitness is tracking, I need to know so I can work on various areas to improve for my fight training.

On that note - I had an epiphany over the Christmas break about the fight training.
I have struggled mentally with the why, where do I fit, am I good enough to be here type of questions and the realisation that I had - was that if I want it and am prepared to work for it then that's all that matters. It doesn't matter if I get punched, kicked or pushed around the training area as long as I work hard and make my opponent work hard as well.

In 2011 I had a degree of fear about the fighting so held myself back but 2012 it's time to get in there and step it up a notch or two - I know I can do it, I know I can take a punch, I know what to expect so it's time to go in and enjoy every single second of it.

Ok so with that - it's the end of this post.
I'll do a stats update once I've done all the tests again - hope that 2012 brings you all that you desire, eat well, work hard.

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