The pain will pass, the blood will clot, the bruises will yellow and fade.
Tomorrow is another day, another experience, a whole lot more learning.
The session tonight covered some cardio, a LOT of sparring, some core work.
Sparring wise - straight boxing - I get tagged a lot and keep dropping my hands, but I tried to listen to what the coaches where saying, how to move, to keep pushing in and out.
It worked to a degree - I got hit less, but still got frustrated with myself.
Then it was onto kick boxing (sparring) - my first time doing that tonight - it adds a whole new degree of complexity to the mix, something I wasn't sure I was ready for - but you don't know till you dive in, you'll either succeed or fail and I plan to succeed.
So dive in - what's the worst that could happen?
Well tonight I got a bloodied nose and a punch to the mouth that left my teeth sore - need a better mouth guard - other than that it was a fantastic eye opening experience for me.
After the session the coaches both praised me on me efforts, intensity and improvement which is good to hear - helps to keep pushing.
On another note - tomorrow is D day for the 75kg challenge, I already know I haven't made it quite there, but I'm happy with where I have got to, not content because with contentment comes complacency, with complacency comes laziness, when you get lazy you go backwards.
That's not my way, go forwards keep pushing.
Change the target date and roll with it.
End game is still the same - body recomposition while learning how to be a fighter or maybe it's the other way around - learn how to be a fighter and change my body in the process.
Either way I don't mind that I won't reach this short term goal - I know I'll reach the long term one.
Anyway I think that's enough rambling tonight, time to shower, stretch out, chill out, reflect and have a milo :)
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