After a few days away from blogging my progress - I really need to update.
So Thursday:
Kick boxing then muay thai - probably the most intense session I've done for a while.
Massive I felt like puking afterwards not kidding in the slightest.
was 2 hours of full on intensity.
I loved every minute of it.
I didn't wear the HRM but I'd put a conservative estimate on number of calories around 1500.
Friday morning was treadmill work, covered 4km at a light pace - was mostly just a light run / recovery session followed by a weigh in.
Burnt 350 calories in 27 minutes which is not bad for a light session.
(We'll get to that in a minute)
This morning I went for a 1:40 bike ride covering 30.5 km lots of rolling hills and a ridiculously steep section - I was leaning all my weight over the back wheel, using the rear brakes and the bike still seemed to want to lean forward over the front wheel.
Was good fun but am spent now - good thing the rest of the day is quiet :)
Today's workout was 1124 calories.
Since starting my 50k calories in 112 days (01/05/2011) challenge I have RECORDED a total of 3275. I say recorded because there has been workouts I haven't worn my HRM for so I won't enter them in manually at a guess.
Now to my good news - the weigh in: 86.8kg down from 95 when I started all of this.
The progress has been slower than I wanted because I wasn't pushing myself hard enough until I signed up at Momentum Technique - Now I'm pushing as hard as I possibly can - but there's always more to give :P
On a non fitness note - I went to knees of fury 33 last night - held at the shores function centre, I have to say for my first ever live muay thai event it went OFF! some fantastic fights - a BRILLIANT knockout (Single cross to the chin, dropped the guy to the deck in a crumpled heap) and some great entertainment.
If you've never been to a live muay thai event I suggest you check it out.
Incredible atmosphere.
With that I'm done, time to go watch the football :)
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